Indian city Ahmedabad Police has registered an FIR against Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, a Khalistani movement leader and founder of the banned outfit "Sikh for Justice", after he issued a threat to the ICC Cricket World Cup, especially for the tournament opener match to be held at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Gujarat on October 5.
The FIR has been registered against Pannu under 121(A),153(A)(B), 505 Indian Penal Code (IPC), Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and IT Act 66 F. "Threatening pre-recorded messages were published on various social media handles and an attempt was made to spoil the atmosphere. FIR registered against Pannu under 121(A),153(A)(B), 505 IPC, UAPA and IT Act 66 F," said Ajit Rajian, Cyber Crime DCP, Ahmedabad.
Pre-recorded message of Pannu
Gurpatwant Singh Pannu has released a pre-recorded message regarding this matter. In an audio clip, Pannun, the General Counsel of the Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), can be heard making a statement about destroying the Parliament House. "Pro Khalistan Sikhs from Canada are in Delhi to avenge the assassination of Shaheed Najjar. On Shaheed Nijjar’s assassination, we are going to use a ballot against your bullet. We are going to use the vote against your violence. The target will be October 5, ICC World Cup Ahmedabad. This will be the start of the World Terror Cup."
Notably, several people received calls from a UK phone number +44 7418 343648 wherein a pre-recorded audio message by the terrorist was played. The call by Pannun issuing threats is going viral on social media.
The SFI leader also issued threats to Indian diplomats in Canada, especially Sanjay Verma, High Commissioner of India to Canada. The Khalistani terror group ‘advised’ India to shut down its mission in Ottawa and recall the envoy posted there.
“India and the Modi regime have insulted Prime Minister Trudeau. Modi regime, it is advisable that you shut down your embassy in Ottawa and bring back your ambassador Verma. This advice is from the Canadians and this advice is from Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, the SFJ general council. We are going to hold Modi and Ambassador Verma accountable for disrespecting Prime Minister Trudeau. It’s very wise to bring back Verma and shut down the Ottawa embassy," he added.