In front of University of Dhaka, Teacher-Student Center (TSC), a small area surrounded by bamboo is seen. There is also a notice hanging on the bamboo to keep a safe distance from the trees inside it. But people are seen sitting and chatting on the bamboo given for safety! And the shopkeepers have put up tea stall there.

The students of the campus and related people are criticizing in this regard. But that does not sway the authorities.
-Reason for the bamboo fencing-
There are numerous perennial trees throughout the university campus. Earlier some of these trees fell and there were terrible accidents. On September 7, a rickshaw driver named Shafiqul Islam died after a tree collapsed in TSC. Apart from this, two more students were injured. Considering these issues, bamboo fencing has been provided in some places of TSC to avoid accidents. Entry of the general public has been banned and tea stalls in the vicinity have also been ordered to close temporarily.

No one obeys these security restrictions. Many people are entering these forbidden places surpassing the bamboo fencing. The teal stalls are going on in full swing. No one is conscious about the accident that happened a few days ago.
Proctor of University of Dhaka Dr. Maksudur Rahman told The, "Bamboo fences have been provided for the safety of students to prevent accidents. But everyone`s awareness about this is important. However, further steps will be taken in the interest of security".
Dr. Mihir Lal Saha, Head of Arabic culture and Professor of Botany Department, told The, "University of Dhaka is a centenary campus. There are many old trees here. Trees that cannot be completely cut down. However, the endangered trees are maintained regularly".
Tausif Islam, a second-year student of the University`s Islamic History and Culture Department, said, "There is no way to understand that there is any safety fence at TSC. Some bamboo is broken down!"