26 Bangladeshi nationals awarded with Commonwealth scholarship

The Report Desk

Published: August 27, 2024, 07:10 PM

26 Bangladeshi nationals awarded with Commonwealth scholarship

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A total of 26 scholars from Bangladesh have been awarded Commonwealth scholarship this year to attend prestigious UK universities including University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, SOAS University of London, the University of Warwick, and the University of Edinburgh.

The Commonwealth scholarship programmes are highly competitive, recognising candidates with outstanding applications.

The British Council hosted a pre-departure briefing for the Commonwealth scholars of 2024 from Bangladesh on Monday at the British High Commissioner‍‍`s residence.

Since the inception of the Commonwealth Scholarship programme in 1960, 1,867 Bangladeshi nationals have received Commonwealth Scholarships or Fellowships funded by the UK government through the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC).

Currently, 105 Bangladeshi citizens are studying under the Commonwealth scholarship programme, including those from the 2023 cohort who are nearing the end of their studies.

British High Commissioner to Bangladesh Sarah Cooke said she is delighted that 26 Bangladeshi students have been awarded this year‍‍`s Commonwealth scholarship to pursue postgraduate degrees at world-class UK universities and contribute to Bangladesh’s development.

“It reflects the UK‍‍`s ongoing commitment to the

Commonwealth and to Bangladesh. We wish all the scholars continued success in their future endeavours,” she said.

The event celebrated the achievements of the scholarship recipients, provided them with essential information and guidance for study in the UK, and highlighted the positive impact of the Commonwealth Scholarship programme, according to the British Council.

Shannon West, Interim Director Bangladesh, British Council said it is remarkable to see the continued recognition of Bangladeshi scholars each year through the Commonwealth Scholarship programme, allowing them to study in the UK.

These scholars make substantial contributions to the international nature of UK higher education and to Bangladesh‍‍`s development upon their return.

26 Bangladeshi nationals awarded with Commonwealth scholarship

To date, approximately 1,867 scholars from Bangladesh have benefited from this prestigious programme, underscoring the enduring partnership between the UK and Bangladesh.

“I extend my best wishes to all the scholars, hoping they continue to make a positive impact on the global stage,” Shannon West said.

This year‍‍`s scholars will study various fields, including behavioural and Economic Science, Biological Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computational Applied Mathematics, Data and Decision Analytics, Education, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Geographical Information Systems, Global Health Policy, Global Health Science and Epidemiology  Healthcare Management, Human Rights, International Development Law and Human Rights, International Relations Law, Management, Medical Statistics and Health Data Science, Museum Studies, Public Health, Public Policy, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, and Textiles and Apparel.

The event allowed scholars to network, fostering a sense of community and mutual support that will aid their academic and personal success in the UK.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) is also celebrating its 65th anniversary of offering Commonwealth Scholarships to candidates with exceptional academic and leadership abilities.

Reflecting on the achievements of scholars who have made significant contributions to their countries and communities, CSC looks forward to continuing its transformative impact across Commonwealth nations, inspiring hope and optimism in the years to come.

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