Budget 2024-25

Tk 31 VAT on Tk 100 internet package

The Report Desk

Published: June 6, 2024, 06:17 PM

Tk 31 VAT on Tk 100 internet package

Representational Photo/Collected

In the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, the supplementary duty on mobile phone calls and internet usage has been increased. The new tax rates will be effective from the afternoon of Thursday, June 6.

Previously, customers had to pay a 15% VAT and a 15% supplementary duty on mobile internet. This has now been increased by an additional 5%. Additionally, consumers will also have to pay a 1% surcharge.

With the supplementary duty raised by 5%, a customer now needs to pay Tk 30.65 in VAT and supplementary duty on a Tk 100 talk time or internet package. This leaves them with Tk 69.35 worth of talk time or internet usage.

Currently, there are 190 million SIM card users in the country, with approximately 130 million of them using mobile internet. Following the announcement of the proposed budget, mobile phone operators in the country have immediately implemented the new tax rates.

The proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-25 is Tk 7,97,000 crore, which is Tk 36,000 crore more than the previous fiscal year‍‍`s (2023-24) budget of Tk 7,61,000 crore.

The theme of the proposed budget is ‍‍`Commitment to Building a Happy, Prosperous, Developed, and Smart Bangladesh.‍‍`

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