Iran cracks down on journalists over hijab protests

The Report Desk

Published: October 2, 2022, 07:31 PM

Iran cracks down on journalists over hijab protests

Iranian security forces have arrested at least 28 journalists and photographers since the latest wave of anti-regime protests began nearly two weeks ago, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported this week.  

The women-led demonstrations were sparked by outrage over the death of 22-year-old Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini after she was arrested by the Islamic republic‍‍`s so-called morality police. Amini was arrested on September 13 for allegedly breaching Iran‍‍`s strict rules for women on wearing hijab, or headscarves, and "modest clothing."

The Iranian Journalists‍‍` Association has repeatedly called for the immediate release of all reporters who have been detained for reporting on the protests.

But the Iranian judiciary contends that press reporting on the protests could lead to further "riots," and it should therefore be construed as a criminal offense. The journalists‍‍` association has strongly rejected this argument and asserted that the journalists were merely going about their work.

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