The mythical paradigms of drinking water

Niaz Mahmud Sakib

Published: August 17, 2022, 08:21 PM

The mythical paradigms of drinking water

If you look around you in Bangladesh, You will get nearly every individual knowledgeable corresponding to the myth of drinking a certain amount of water every day, every hour. However, why do we state this fact as a myth? 

“Equivalence, Equilibrium, Balance, appropriateness, condign” are some words that may best describe the parameter already set parameter of drinking water. Nevertheless, we choose the word “Condign.” 

Let’s have a look at the quotidian conceptions regarding drinking water. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends a minimum of 3 liters of fluid daily for men. To add, for women, their recommendation is  2.3 liters a day.  And the IOM, under the national academics, recommends 2.7 liters for adult women whereas 7 cups a day for children.

Remember, these are all nothing but recommendations. 

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If you stay dehydrated, you risk developing vertigo, urine osmolality, blood pressure imbalance, Menier’s disease, stiff neck, and many more. There exist rare events where one died because of drinking too much or little. However, vertigo (feeling like spinning, falling down, witnessing the terrible darkness around you with no control) can heal your world's ups and downs. You risk developing other turbulent symptoms too. 

There is the recommended amount to drink a day is just because you don’t risk yourself developing all these negative signs. Nothing else!

Drinking too much water also may lead you to the valley of excruciating experiences. The research of the journal of the American Medical Association, after inspecting 631 patients living with kidney disease and a very controlled diet and habit chart, assured that drinking too much water suggested or encouraged didn’t help them much in relation to kidney functioning. 

When it’s about taking fluids and hydration, the kidney is the emperor! If drinking much won’t help, then what will? Yes, the condign amount of absorption

Cynical water drinking won’t help indeed! Drink only when you feel the need! Finger crossed! You don’t live in the body of a different person. You know your body well. Right?  If your body feels down and water may quench your thirst - satiate your need; stop and look for water urgently in the surroundings. But, do not forget not to drink much as well. 

You may have been perfunctorily practicing the very habit of drinking more than 6-8 glasses of water a day. 


To remark, 60% of the human body is made of water, and to function the body well, water is the foremost element we can rely on. Do you want to keep your heart health, brain health, kidney health, joint health, and energy levels high? Drink when it’s necessary, drink when you feel the need for it, and not much than your body can process. If you do, you are just burdening yourself!

Drinking much can spearhead hyponatremia in you which ends up diluting sodium levels and, if not maintained or cured, straight to cerebral edema, nausea and headache. According to Hoyt, we should not concede more than a liter per hour. 

Stay with the report for more life-saving charms.

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