BD will reduce carbon emission more than promised

The Report Desk

Published: September 16, 2021, 12:45 AM

BD will reduce carbon emission more than promised

The hole at ozone layer has become tiny due to decrease of harmful substance Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). And in this case, Bangladesh has been playing a pioneering role.

As a Montreal Protocol signatory country, Bangladesh bans the use and import of ozone layer-depleting chemicals in 2010.

In addition, with financial support and technology, carbon emissions will be reduced by about 90 million tons in the next nine years. 16 September (Thursday)  World Ozone Layer Protection Day. The world's other countries, such as Bangladesh observed to be the day.

Bangladesh will emit 41 crore tons of carbon

Various case fuel burn the next nine years, the country of about 41 million tons of carbon emissions will, in which climate change will be severe, and the caveats about two million to 80 million tons of carbon to reduce the international commitments of Bangladesh. However, the advanced technology and financial assistance received more than Around six million tonnes of emission reduction would , all together, the amount would not million tons.

UN climate body UNFCCC ' s to the submission of the Nationality Determined Contribution ( NDC ), as known to one report, the international community 's carbon emissions to reduce the commitment given by the government. The report was submitted to the UN on August 26 .

Environment Department, Climate cell director Mirza Shawkat Ali said , 015 in the signing of the Paris climate agreement, in accordance with the United Nations in each country and their enadisite know is that , as much carbon emissions to reduce abuse.

Report in accordance with, 2030 on the release of a total of 41 billion tons of carbon into the unconditional and conditions are subject to almost nine million tonnes of emission reduction will be Bangladesh , which has a total emitted carbon is about two percent.

Half of the carbon is emitted from fuel

At present, more than half of the carbon emitted in Bangladesh comes from the energy sector ( 55 percent ) . The sector emission reduction 030 of the additional 918 MW solar power production will be. In addition, coal on the dependence by reducing the existing gas -powered power plant efficiency to increase the will that has been In the report.

Another source of carbon emissions is transportation. In urban areas, traffic jams cause vehicles to get stuck on the road and most cars emit extra carbon as their engines are running . Usage of electricity in brickfields to make brick turn that this sector from 14 per cent carbon emissions reduction.

Advanced technology and financing are needed to reduce excess emissions

Paris agreement before the existing Kyoto Protocol, the developed countries, carbon emissions to reduce the force needed but the affected countries for a no obligation, was not. The agreement in accordance with , each country in their NDC submission to five years after the NDC in accordance with the countries emissions have reduced what do the experts examine the witness. Currently Bangladesh is the chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, an organization of the countries most affected by climate change.

What is the ozone layer?

The ozone layer in the stratosphere at the surface of the Earth's atmosphere retains the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. The creation of some harmful gases / products such as - CFC, halons, carbon tetrachloride , methyl bromide , etc., due to the ozone layer is constantly eroded as is. Ambient ozone layer depleting chemical alternatives Using the popular will and the ozone layer importance and the need to protect the awareness increase to 1994, on 19 December, the UN General Assembly on 16 September World Ozone Day celebrations decided to take that. After 1995, the year of the annual International Ozone Day celebrated being. This year the theme of the day has been decided ' Ozone layer: Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool. '

Bangladesh took quick steps

Stamford University's Atmospheric Pollution Study Center ( Caps ) director Prof Mohammad Mostafa Majumder said , " ozone layer hole of the news of the reason is that in 1985, in the Vienna Convention and the 16th September 1987 in Canada, Montreal international obligations containing the " Montreal Protocol " that is. Bangladesh Montreal Protocol signatory countries, as well as the ozone layer -depleting chemicals use and import bans and 2010 in the January month since. '

He said , in 1990, the year of the air-conditioner , refrigerator , erosale cooling element as a CFC usage is used. But the Montreal Protocol, signed after the Bangladesh government on the steps taken to using the completely closed by the said. As a result, our country, the ozone layer damaging substances used so far are not. But awareness to this day, keeping the emergency.

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