Ensuring human rights, freedom of speech prime goal: Prof Yunus

The Report Desk

Published: August 13, 2024, 04:20 PM

Ensuring human rights, freedom of speech prime goal: Prof Yunus

Photo: Collected (file)

Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus on Tuesday said the prime goal of the interim government is ensuring human rights and freedom of speech for all.

“We have to establish human rights and freedom of speech. That is our prime goal,” he said after visiting Dhakeswari national temple.

He urged the Hindu community people to treat themselves as human beings and children of the soil.

“You just say you are human, you are the citizen of Bangladesh, this is my constitutional right, and you have to ensure it. You just demand this, nothing else,” he said.

He categorically mentioned that everyone is equal in the eyes of law, there’s no scope to create differences.

“I am here to say we are all equal, there is no scope to create any differences here,” he said.

He urged all to cooperate the interim government for establishing the rule of law in Bangladesh.

“Please help us to establish that, have patience, lets judge it later whether we could do that or not. If we can’t do that then blame us. That is the main thing,” he said.

The Chief Adviser promised to establish justice by ensuring the punishment of those responsible for attacks on the Hindu and other minority community.

“We are going to make Bangladesh where everyone is one family. This is the main thing. There is no question of making any distinction among families.”

He said that no one will be considered as Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists. “Everyone will be considered as human. Let our rights be guaranteed.”

Prof Yunus alleged that in the past years, all the institutions of the country have been destroyed.

“The root of all the problems is that all the institutions were rotten. This is why these are happening. We need to revamp our institutions.”

The Nobel Laureate said that if justice is ensured, everyone will get justice.

Earlier, the religious leaders of the Hindu community drew his attention on the attacks on them and sought a permanent solution to these problems from the head of the interim government.

Prof Muhammad Yunus assured them that justice would be done by ensuring the punishment of the criminals.

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