RU students lock admin building protesting ‘attack from locals and police’

The Report Desk

Published: March 12, 2023, 12:39 PM

RU students lock admin building protesting ‘attack from locals and police’

Rajshahi University students today (March 12, 2023) demonstrated in front of the administration building of the university and locked the building, protesting “attack on them by locals and police” the previous night.

They also shouted slogans with their six-point demand, calling for justice.

Their demands are: justice for the attack on RU students by locals and police, stopping the entry of outsiders in the university and ensuring safety of the students, ensuring on-campus accommodation for all students, ensuring proper treatment of the injured students, taking necessary measures within 24 hours of the incident, and ensuring student representation in forming university policies.


Amanullah Khan, a student of Population Science and Human Resource Development department of the university, said, “Police were largely inactive in the incident, rather they threw tear gas shells and fired rubber bullets at us. Taking advantage of their inaction, local thugs attacked us. The agitation will continue if our demands are not met.”

At that time, he demanded the resignation of the university’s proctorial body and student advisor.

According to the university sources, a meeting was supposed to be held between the university authorities following the incident but the meeting has not started yet as the vice-chancellor of the university is in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital to visit the injured students at the time of filing this report.

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