61-member rescue team of Bangladesh returns from Turkey

The Report Desk

Published: February 22, 2023, 04:19 PM

61-member rescue team of Bangladesh returns from Turkey

The 61-person rescue team that was dispatched to Turkey to aid the earthquake victims, arrived back in Bangladesh on Tuesday via a C-130 special aircraft of the Air Force. 

The rescue team members were from Bangladesh Army and Fire Service and Civil Defence who conducted operations in the cities of Adiyaman and Hatay in Turkey. 

According to a news release from Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the Turkish government asked the Bangladeshi government to extend the rescue operation. Originally, the Bangladeshi rescue team was supposed to return to Bangladesh on February 15.  

As a result, the rescue crew remained in Turkey for an additional five days at the order of the Bangladeshi government. 

They have pulled out bodies from the rubble and saved a huge number of lives. Around 250 people received assistance and medication from the military medical staff at the same time, the ISPR press release added.

On February 10, 2023, a C-130J transport aircraft of the Bangladesh Air Force sent a significant number of relief goods from the government of Bangladesh to the people affected by the earthquake in Syria.

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