Budget 2024-25

Citizens struggles with rising expenses, declining savings

Umme Hani Irin

Published: June 6, 2024, 09:29 PM

Citizens struggles with rising expenses, declining savings

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The cost of daily essentials continues to soar in Bangladesh, leaving the public grappling with financial strain. With expenses surpassing incomes, savings are becoming a rarity for many. Even those who managed to save in the past find their reserves dwindling over the last couple of years.

Abdul Alam Khokon, a local businessman, lamented, "We have no savings anymore. What used to cost 15,000 taka in the market now requires 30,000 taka. Whatever savings we had are now gone. We barely manage our daily expenses."

Rickshaw puller Shahidul Islam expressed similar concerns, stating, "The household expenses have increased. Previously, we could save a little, but now, everything is more expensive. I earn 500 taka, spend 600, and end up borrowing 100 taka."

When asked if the budget would alleviate their situation, Shahidul remarked, "Whether the budget increases or decreases, we, the poor, have to work to eat."

Another vendor, Mohammad Ali, voiced his struggles, saying, "We cannot save after spending. The disparity between income and expenses makes saving difficult. Previously, I used to buy lychee for 100-150 taka, now it‍‍`s 400-500 taka. Eggs cost 150 taka. I can hardly afford to feed my children."

Employee Masud Ahmed shared his experience, saying, "I used to live comfortably, but now I‍‍`m struggling to make ends meet. It‍‍`s challenging to save money from our fixed salaries, especially for those with lower incomes."

In the face of escalating living costs, Bangladeshis across various professions find themselves in a precarious financial situation, with savings diminishing and expenses rising steadily.

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