Snakebite: Obsolete treatment leaves 6 thousand dead every year

The Report Desk

Published: July 17, 2021, 12:40 PM

Snakebite: Obsolete treatment leaves 6 thousand dead every year

Despite modern and scientific method to cure intoxication of snakebite, 6 thousand people die every year in Bangladesh due to dwelling on obsolete and superstitious treatment process.

Death in snakebite can be reduced by immediate hospitalisation and keep household clean, experts opine.

Snakes bite 6 lakh every year

Approximately 6 lakh people suffer snakebite every year while 6 thousands succumb.

According to Health Department, more people are killed in snakebite than being drowned every year during the flood season in Bangladesh.

Many people have to suffer paralysis or many other mental disorders if venomous snakes bite.

Five type of venomous snakes

The health department said, there are five type of snakes in Bangladesh-Indian Cobra, Monocled cobra, Russell's viper, common vine snake and Coral reef snakes.

In line with the Guidelines for the Management of Snakebite-2019, anti-venom, artificial breathing systems are followed to treat snakebite patients.

Most people suffer snakebite during rainy season. Experts say, if the victims can be given the antidote immediately, death rate can be curbed.   

Health department’s spokesperson Dr. Robed Amin said, the authorities have sufficient stock of anti-venom in the country.

The department sent letter to all upazila health complexes in the country seeking demand of the anti-venom. Besides, the antidote is also available at the non-communicable division of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).

Superstations increases casualties

There are many prejudice and obsolete method to treat snakebite victims in the country. As a result, many patients are taken to hospitals 18-20 hours after the sustain injury leaving the victims dead on arrival.

Lack of scientific knowledge and practice among village people is the main reason behind this, experts say.

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