AB Party rejects proposed budget

The Report Desk

Published: June 6, 2024, 09:44 PM

AB Party rejects proposed budget

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Amar Bangladesh (AB) Party, rejected the proposed budget for the FY2024-25 terming it as undemocratic exercise of a regime to  continue their loot and plunder even more. 

To collect tax, vat and then to spend for the people would require public mandate which it does not have for last fifteen years. 

Moreover, deficit and debt based budget would entrap the country in perpetual loan cycle which generations not-born-yet have to continue to pay off. 

The protest rally was held on Thursday evening at Bijoy 71 square of the capital. A symbolic effigy of the finance minister of this dummy government and his red briefcase were set on fire to symbolise the anti-people budget which AB Party rejected outright.

Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahab Minar, a retired major and Joint Convenor of the AB Party, said that education and health sector are in endless chaos and not fit for purpose. Yet, the regime has no plan to address everyday sufferings. Inflation is killing working and middle class. Yet, budget is only reflective to subsidise the quick rental mafias even more.

Mojibur Rahman Monju, Member Secretary of the party, said that this regime proposed up to 30% tax on lawful earning while black money can be whitened by only paying 15% tax and guaranteeing to raise no question. HC bench declaring reserved quota in public service for the children and grandchildren of the veterans is another ploy to divert public attention from the endless exposures of the regime loyal mafias.

Asaduzzaman Fuaad, a barrister-at-law and Joint Member Secretary, said that an unelected regime has no mandate to raise tax, vat from citizens; an unelected parliament cannot have the mandate to spend on their behalf. It’s like the East India Company who came all the way from Europe to the then richest region on earth to loot and plunder in trillions only to enrich their home countries as well as oppressing the natives by every means possible. Lord Clive’s and their likes on this authoritarian government cannot be expected to deliver on public welfare.

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