DU protests High Court’s quota reinstatement

The Report Desk

Published: June 9, 2024, 01:11 PM

DU protests High Court’s quota reinstatement

Photo: The Report Dot Live/Meer Iftakharul Hassan

Dhaka University (DU) has once again become a hub of protests following the High Court’s order to reinstate quotas in government jobs.

On Sunday, June 9, around 11 a.m., students began their protest in front of the Central Library at Dhaka University. The protest march proceeded to the Raju Anti-Terrorism Sculpture where students gathered for a rally. The procession moved through the Arts Building, Mall Chattar, VC Chattar, and the Teacher-Student Centre (TSC), covering various streets on campus.

Photo: The Report Dot Live/Meer Iftakharul Hassan 

The protesting students chanted slogans like "Equality of opportunity, the essence of the Constitution," "Equality of opportunity, the essence of the Liberation War," "The weapon of ‍‍`18, rise once again," "The student society has awakened," "Blood is boiling," "We demand the abolition of the quota system," "Direct action against the quota system," and "No place for discrimination in the land of Liberation War."

Students voiced their frustration, stating, "We protested against the quota system in 2018. We even shed blood for this cause. As a result, the government abolished this quota system. Now, the High Court has reinstated it, and we strongly condemn this decision. We reject the High Court‍‍`s verdict."

Photo: The Report Dot Live/Meer Iftakharul Hassan 

Dhaka University student Jubair remarked, "The 56% quota is undoubtedly a mockery of merit. Due to the quota system, comparatively qualified individuals are not getting jobs. Consequently, the country‍‍`s development process is being hindered, increasing the number of educated unemployed and fostering inequality. In the interest of the nation, we organized today‍‍`s program to demand the reform of this illogical quota system and to reduce inequality. Our movement will continue until the High Court‍‍`s decision to reinstate the quota is repealed."

Notably, on June 5, the High Court declared the circular issued on October 4, 2018, which abolished the first and second class freedom fighter quotas in government jobs, illegal.

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