Crow pecks down Israeli Flag

The Report Desk

Published: May 4, 2023, 09:23 AM

Crow pecks down Israeli Flag

Crow pecks down an Israeli flag flying on a building in the occupied Palestinian territories. After that, a cat trampled the flag. The witnesses were surprised by this strange incident. Someone recorded the video of the incident and posted it on social media. The video went viral instantly.


Many of the netizens are looking at the matter humorously. Again, many people think that through this incident, the crow may have "educated" everyone "against destruction".

Palestinian doctor and author, Tariq Sadid tweeted in the comments section of the video, "Even the animals of Palestine are against the destruction of the Jewish army." Another commented: "An anti-Semitic intelligent Palestinian crow".  Most of the commentators mentioned the crow as a symbol of Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, according to a report by the British news media, The Guardian.

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