Clash between hijras at DU campus; 4 injured

The Report Desk

Published: January 8, 2022, 02:26 AM

Clash between hijras at DU campus; 4 injured

A clash broke out at the Dhaka University campus between two factions of Hijra community over raising money on Friday afternoon.

In this incident, 3-4 Hijra people including the son of an official of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Science of the university were injured. The injured people have been taken to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

The clash taken place in front of the tomb of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, adjacent to the Faculty of Fine Arts, Dhaka University, at around 5.15 pm on Friday. Later, they fought in front of the central mosque, Hakim Chattar and Rokeya Hall of the university.

These hijras in turn make a living by taking money from people. The conflict rose over collecting money. 

According to the proctorial team of the institution, two groups of hijras raise money in the campus area and Hatirpul area. But today Hatipul area group came to the campus to raise money, the conflict took place when the Hijras who used to raise money from the university area tried to prevent them in doing this.

Proctorial team also said that a number of 3-4 hijras were injured in this clash, they were taken to the DMCH with the help of Shahbagh police.

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