Government working to control inflation: Prime Minister

Business Desk

Published: May 19, 2024, 01:27 PM

Government working to control inflation: Prime Minister

Photo: Collected

Bangladesh is feeling the effects of the global economy, but the government is actively working to control inflation, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stated.

On Sunday, May 19, during the opening ceremony of the 11th National SME Product Fair at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina addressed the issue.

Sheikh Hasina said, “We have established 100 economic zones in the industrial sector. It‍‍`s not enough to just produce goods. We must also focus on marketing those products.”

Highlighting the transformation of Bangladesh from 2009 to 2023, the Prime Minister mentioned, “There has been significant progress in every sector. Agricultural production must increase, and industrialization should continue. By harnessing people‍‍`s energy, we can build a prosperous Bangladesh. SME entrepreneurs can invest either individually or jointly in economic zones. If we can make men and women equal entrepreneurs, the country will progress rapidly.”

The Prime Minister further stated, “Without COVID, the Ukraine-Russia war, and the ensuing sanctions and counter-sanctions, the country would have advanced even more. Additionally, Israel‍‍`s attacks on Gaza have caused transportation, distribution, and import costs to rise significantly, leading to increased inflation. However, the government is making every effort to control it. We need to boost our domestic production and ensure that industries are environmentally friendly with proper waste management.”

Emphasizing employment opportunities, the Prime Minister added, “Even amidst various challenges, people should have the mindset to create jobs rather than just seeking them. Women need to become more entrepreneurial, and we need to create more opportunities for them.”

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