Gulshan fire: Death toll now 2

The Report Desk

Published: February 20, 2023, 02:51 PM

Gulshan fire: Death toll now 2

A second individual who was hurt during the Gulshan-2 residential building fire incident last night has passed away early Tuesday.

The deceased named Md Raju, jumped off from the seventh floor of the 12-storey building, where he had been working as a cook, according to police.

With the latest development, the tally of death reached to two.

According to Mustakim Badsha, manager at Zainul Haque Sikder Women's Medical College and Hospital (Pvt.) Ltd. Raju breathed his last about 3:30am.

One dead as Gulshan building catches fire

He claimed to media, since previous night more than 13 victims of the fire have received medical attention at the hospital. Six of them received initial care, and seven including Raju were admitted to the hospital.

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